P.O. Box 328 * Bethlehem, Ga. 30620  |  Phone: 770-464-0138

Helping Starved, Abused  & Neglected Horses in Georgia

"With your help we...will make a difference!"

Reflecting on what I have learned…Cynthia Anderson

As most of you know, I am fairly new to the position of Secretary for the Georgia Equine Rescue League (GERL). I took over the job one year ago. I would like to reflect on what I have learned since taking over the position from Anne Ensminger.

First, I would like to thank the board and each and every member of GERL for allowing me this opportunity. I know that I can never replace Anne, her dedication to GERL, her knowledge of the members. Her kindness, and wit, cannot be matched. However, I am willing to learn and I appreciate any suggestions or constructive criticism that anyone has to offer. After teaching for many years at the college level I have learned that it is all about perceptions. The way you say things and do things are often perceived by others in different ways. This can sometimes lead to miscommunication. So for each and every member and supporter of GERL, please feel free to contact me with any suggestions you may have for me.

Secondly, I have learned that the membership base of GERL is truly dedicated and members solidly support our mission in every aspect possible. Members offer financial support, physical support, and educational support. I feel privileged to be associated with such a dedicated group. Most people associated with GERL work full time jobs outside of their positions with GERL. Some work in business, education, the medical field, the horse industry, and many other fields. The one thing we all have in common is our love and concern for horses as well as the mission of GERL.

It is gratifying to see the willingness to make the time to see that the mission of GERL is always proactive and moving forward. So please remember that if someone associated with GERL does not respond as quickly as you think they should; they may just not have the physical time to do so, not because they don’t care, but because they have to fulfill other duties associated with busy lives. It is a delicate balance of time and responsibility. I know that personally until I retire in May of next year (hopefully), my professional responsibilities prevent me from attending some of our events. This is always a disappointment for me as I would like for my GERL duties to be one of my first priorities.

The third thing I have learned is that I love this organization and what it stands for. We have had several successful events this year. In spite of having to change the date of the Poker Ride, it was, as usual, hugely successful and a wonderful time was had by all who attended. Help a Horse Day at the Mansfield impound included several very enjoyable demonstrations by trainers and introduced the public to GERL and our mission. It was also a wonderful opportunity to showcase horses that are available for adoption. Again, it was quite successful. Coming up are the Polo Match, a Multi-County Meeting with law enforcement, and the Rescue Challenge.

Thank you all for everything you do to make this organization successful.

Cynthia Anderson
GERL Secretary


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