P.O. Box 328 * Bethlehem, Ga. 30620  |  Phone: 770-464-0138

Helping Starved, Abused  & Neglected Horses in Georgia

"With your help we...will make a difference!"

A Note from the Secretary’s Desk – April, May and June Newsletter

   Well, it is hard to believe that we are already into the middle of 2019.  I will assure that it has been a very busy 6 months for the folks at GERL.    There has been a lot of brainstorming about the Rescue Challenge, Multicounty meetings, and the GDA.  We hosted the “Andee Rogers Memorial Poker Ride” and the biggest challenge we have faced this year is getting the horses in the “Help a Horse” campaign adopted to their forever homes.

   The Rescue Challenge is not only exciting but it is a very important event for GERL.  It is not only an important fund raiser; it provides an avenue for some of the abused and neglected horses in our program to receive an education.  Or maybe we should call it “Professional Development for rescue horses” The training the “challenge” horses receive is invaluable to the horses and to their future partners.  The Training definitely gives them a leg up in finding a forever home.  Please make sure and mark your calendar for October 5, 2019 and give a big thanks to Tamma Trump for all her hard work with this program. I know it will be a resounding success.

   We have also been putting together a multicounty meeting.  This meeting provides training to law enforcement and animal control agents on how to evaluate and handle abused and neglected horse throughout the state of Georgia. We also let the counties what GERL can do to help them.   So far this year we have helped Oconee County and Jones County put up shelters at their facilities. This summer we will be holding this training in LaGrange Ga.  Everyone please wish me luck.  This will be my first time presenting at a multicounty meeting.  Hopefully law enforcement will not be too different from college students.

   Patty, as we all know, works tirelessly for GERL and the abused and neglected equine in the state.  So far this year she has spent a good deal of time brainstorming with the GDA. They have been redefining the state, county, and GERL’s roles in dealing with the abused and neglected equine in Georgia. It is very exciting to see so many agencies concerned about the welfare of all animals.

   As everyone that attended knows, the annual poker ride was a resounding success. We had a few glitches, but a wonderful time was had by all. This includes riders, horses, and volunteers.  The monies raised at the poker ride will definitely help support GERLs programs.  Kudos to everyone that helped make the ride such a success.   

   We have also faced a couple of challenges in the past 3 months.  The most concerning is the horses from the GDA; these horses are in the “Help a Horse” program. What happened is that GERL agreed to take in the horses from the Georgia Department of Agriculture.  These horses have been at the GDA impounds for more than a year. They are in critical need of a forever home as soon as possible.  Some just need to be pasture companions (remember that horses are heard animals and need a buddy) and others ride and have a bright future ahead of them.   So please check out these horses on GERL’s webpage.  If you are not interested in one of these sweet babies at least share their stories on your social media pages. .  Give 5 minutes of your time to give these horses their life back.  You are the essential piece in helping us find them a loving forever home.


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