Helping Starved, Abused  & Neglected Horses in Georgia

"With your help we...will make a difference!"

With your support we have helped 100's of horses over the years... BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! Before - ITTY BITTY - After Donate to help GERL Before - JACCA - After Donate to help GERL Before - KYSTAL - After Donate to help GERL Before - BIG JIM - After Donate to help GERL

Can you help the horses on Cumberland Island?

A painfully thin feral horse grazes at Dungeness
on Cumberland Island in 2019.

The Trouble with Horses on Cumberland Island

Feral horses — especially the females — live a short, sickly life on Georgia’s largest barrier island, advocates say.         
At least 150 feral horses roam Cumberland Island National Seashore. Tourist sites highlight them. Visitors seek them out for photos. Artists celebrate them in paintings. The combination of island mystique and equine charisma is hard to resist.

GERL is currently working on a project that aims to improve the quality of life for the horses of Cumberland Island. The island is not good for the horses and the horses are not good for the island.

The Georgia Equine Rescue League and Georgia Horse Counsel are dedicated to assuring that the health and conditions of the feral horses on Cumberland are brought up to legal standards. We are currently in litigation seeking to require the National Park Service to put a Management Plan in place that will provide adequate water and food, and to slowly transition the horses off the island to habitats more suited for equine (short-term and long-term).

In order to make a difference, we rely on the support of generous individuals and businesses in our communities. We would be most grateful if you would consider providing a donation that will ensure that this worthwhile project has a successful ending. Your support is critical to the completion of our latest project and we will gladly keep you updated regarding our progress.

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I am absolutely THRILLED to say that I have partnered with GERL on this wonderful adventure.  I admire the dedication this group has shown to the horses, and the teamwork involved to make it happen.   I love how children are involved.  After all, they will be the ones to carry on with this important mission.  Finally, when I saw the veteran’s program, I knew without a doubt that I had found the right group to share my dream.  Both my husband and my father are disabled veterans.  God has definitely led me to the right group of people.

A portion of each sale will proudly be donated to GERL, and I do plan to share an entire unicorn series in the future.  If you would like to support this endeavor and be part of this special journey, please check for it on Amazon.  It will be available in paperback on October 25th.